Identity Analysis for Logo Design of Community Products: A Case Study of Wat Bang Duea Occupational Development Group, Pathum Thani
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The aims of this study are: 1) to examine the cultural identity of the temple vocational development group within the community; 2) to utilize guidelines for cultural identity analysis in the creation of logos; and 3) to assess the design of the emblem. The data collection process involves the utilization of structured interviews and opinion evaluations as tools. Research employed samples to create, construct, and enhance the logo design in accordance with the recommendations. The 114 individuals were esteemed members of the community. The analysis of the community cultural identity of the Wat Bang Duea Vocational Development Group was summarized by provincial cultural representatives, members of the Mon Wat Bang Duea Vocational Development Group, design professionals, as well as the public and tourists in Pathum Thani province. Wat Bang Duea is a temple located in Pathum Thani. The organization is called Wat Bang Duea Professional Development Group. The application of cultural identity analysis methodologies in emblem design, using a deconstructed analytical methodology, led to the production of a diverse range of new symbols that were systematically interconnected. Extract symbolic imagery based on their connotations and associated terms from the deconstruction of semantic visuals, such as representations of swan poles and centipede flags. The Wat Bang Due Temple is located near the Chao Phraya River and is known for its beautiful lotus flowers. The temple is also home to the Rice Mon women, who are known for their intricate weaving designs. Additionally, the temple features star patterns that adorn the surroundings throughout the month. By disassembling and reusing the components, a grand total of 20 distinct emblem layouts for community products were acquired. Applying conceptual evaluation criteria, the members of the Wat Bang Duea Career Development Group chose the emblem and subjected it to assessment by design professionals to acquire a logo design that is highly suitable for evaluating the satisfaction of consumers, the general public, and tourists in the province of Pathum Thani.
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