Double Diamond Design Process for Enhance Product Design Learning

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Attama Saributr


This research objectives are 1. To study problems in the product design learning process of students. 2. To analyze and apply the thinking process of the Double Diamond Model for product design study. 3. To study the learning achievement of students in product design before and after using the double diamond model thinking process. The sample group used in this research was 56 first-year students in the Design Education program using research tools: 1. Questionnaire on teaching and learning problems in design 2. Pre-Test and Post-Test. The research results found that problems of most students Born from the basis of learning which is a result of online learning That makes it impossible to take full practical lessons to create creative thinking. or a systematic thought process that leads to the creation of realistic designs. The researcher therefore applied the double diamond model thinking process to create a thought process that leads to systematic product design. The results showed that it was found that students were able to create products according to the process in a more systematic way. The results of learning achievement of students in product design before and after using the double diamond model thinking process found that the test scores after studying increased (gif.latex?\bar{x}=17.31, S.D. 3.66), which was higher than the scores. before studying (gif.latex?\bar{x}=12.59, S.D. 3.53) and had a t-test value (T-Test Dependent) of -7.95, which has a significantly higher mean value at 0.05.

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How to Cite
Saributr, A. (2024). Double Diamond Design Process for Enhance Product Design Learning. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 16(1), 223–242. Retrieved from
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