Typeface Design to Reflecting Corporate Identity of Poh Chang Academy of Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin

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Samutcha Apisitsuksonti


The objective of this research are to study the corporate identity, design typography of the Poh-Chang College, and assess the typography design satisfaction. The subjects consisted of 200 participants; 50 Poh-Chang internal staff members using cluster sampling; and 150 alumni and current students using accidental sampling. Moreover, there are 5 experts in Typography Design and Corporate Identity Design involved. The tools were survey questionnaires, interviews, and satisfaction assessments. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. The research findings reveal that: 1) Poh-Chang is an educational institution in the field of arts affiliated with the Royal Institute. It emphasizes the preservation of craftsmanship, art, and design, blending Thai and international elements. The environment is contemporary, and the appearance is pleasant, conservation-oriented, and modern. 2) The typography is a Display Typefaces. The Looped modified from Thai Art were more rounded and open with the stems inspired by the administrative building architecture. The overall shape adheres to a slightly formal and trustworthy appearance with various stroke thickness, giving a gentle, approachable, and noble feel, with a sense of contemporary craftsmanship with simplicity. 3) The average satisfaction scores across each group revealed that the Poh-Chang staff group had a "high" level of satisfaction (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.34), while the alumni-current students group of the Poh-Chang had a "high" level of satisfaction (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.45). Both groups, therefore, had an overall satisfaction level rated as "high" (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.40).

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How to Cite
Apisitsuksonti, S. (2024). Typeface Design to Reflecting Corporate Identity of Poh Chang Academy of Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 16(1), 197–222. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fakku/article/view/264761
Research Articles


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