Creativity Painting Phra Ariyabukkhon in the Dharma Mystery Picture Book

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narumol silpachaisri


This research is primary document research. Including the Dhamma mystery picture book, various numbers, by studying the creation of paintings of phra ariyabukkhon which uses art elements combined with symbols to convey meaning It is a reflection of aesthetics, beauty and meaning. have a purpose To study the artistic forms of the ariyabukkhon in the Mystic Dhamma picture book. and to study the modification of artistic elements of the noble monks from the Mystery Dhamma Picture Book and the Tribhumi Picture Book

The results showed that

1. The artistic form and meaning of the ariyabukkhon in the Mystic Dhamma picture book symbolic Appearing in paintings that show a steady mind is the crystal ball, which appears in every picture of a ariyabukkhon. The lotus flower represents the Buddha's wisdom. And in the document, the Mystic Dhamma picture book, ordinary people are used to show access to the Dhamma stream. while the Tribhum picture book shows a monk. or monks to attain Dhamma

2. Changing the artistic elements of the ariyabukkhon from the Mystic Dhamma picture book and the picture book. Tribhumi, influence of mysticism in Thai art. Later reflected in the early Rattanakosin period, there was writing Pictures about mysteries nearby that Buddhists can understand and follow Such as the mysteries in Thai proverbs.

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How to Cite
silpachaisri, narumol. (2024). Creativity Painting Phra Ariyabukkhon in the Dharma Mystery Picture Book. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 16(1), 154–172. Retrieved from
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