Nagas as an Administrative Mechanism of the Rulers Through the Soft Power Concept: The Case Study of Nong Khai Cultural Tourism

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Arunee Sriruksa
Kittisan Sriruksa


This article is part of the research results on the area of belief concerning nagas in Nong Khai province. The objective of this research was to present the perspective in terms of nagas as an administrative mechanism of the ruler through the soft power concept based on the information from the survey, non-participatory observation, unstructured interviews, and related documents and researches.

The study found that nagas are the belief that had been passed down through the form of literature, both in writing and oral history, that appears in the belief related to Buddhism and Hinduism. The traces can be found in myths, literature, sculptures, and paintings. There is also a belief that is found in the naga fireballs phenomenon that occurs in the Mekong River area during the end of Buddhist Lent every year, which is a tool that helps support the creation of the well-known festival of the province.

Therefore, nagas are one of the mechanics in disseminating and continuing the culture through the rulers' soft power concept under the context of religion and belief, strongly connecting the beliefs in nagas and the social and culture of the Isaan and Nongkhai people. Additionally, the phenomenon related to the role of nagas had been added from its traditional role to the cultural tourism aspect of Nong Khai province through the local administration team as a reminder of the cultural and economic values. It can also be said that the nagas can be compared to the mechanism of the rulers both in the context of religion and administration, from the past to the present.

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How to Cite
Sriruksa, A., & Sriruksa, K. (2022). Nagas as an Administrative Mechanism of the Rulers Through the Soft Power Concept: The Case Study of Nong Khai Cultural Tourism. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 14(2), 134–165. Retrieved from
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