The Study Cultural Capital Forms of Production Design in Thai Feature Films
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This research was mixed methods research presented data descriptive analysis. The purpose of the study cultural capital forms of production design in Thai feature films, this research has placed scope of work to study of Thai films from 2002 – 2012 is the industry. Thai feature films have a great response from audiences and very interested in Thai feature films. the researcher used the concepts of value, cultural capital in the analysis of Thai feature films that has content or presentation related to cultural capital, 11 Thai films, and There are 3 Thai films that are outstanding in production design the social context and cultural capital values, including 1) Sibha Kham Doan Sib Ed 2) The Overture 3) Panya Raenu.
The results of the study found that the cultural capital forms of production design in Thai feature films. Production design put emphasize on realistic, Create harmony with the characters. Most of the scenes and costumes designs represent of value, cultural capital on create realistic from current events and support the mood of the story as well, such as the film on Sibha Kham Doan Sib Ed. The production designer that period films have requires color tone coverage simulation of locations, equipment to create a realistic story such as a film on The Overture.
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