The Existence of Kan-Trum Performing Arts in Thai-Khmer Society in Surin Province

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Pongsatorn Yoddumnean


Kuntrum is an Isan folk music play of the Khmer native to Thailand, mostly popular, in the Province of Surin. Kuntrum is an interesting form of linguistic combination of Isan and Cambodian dialect. The main instruments are local fiddles called “sor” and the percussions called “klong tone”. Kuntrum plays an important role in lifestyles, believes, and religion traditions of Surin people. It has been changed over time  and so far has become an important part of local dance as one of the reflections upon their identity. A more modern form of Kuntrum, becoming similar to current Isan local song “Luktung”, has emerged due to changing popularity including a mix of western musical instrument, lyrics from different languages, and different style of dance. This contrasts the traditional form of Kuntrum which implies that the old one has a tendency to disappear. Nowadays, many schools whether primary or secondary ones as well as universities have included Kuntrum into their curriculum to spread and conserve this beautiful and culturally valuable form of Isan folk music play.

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How to Cite
Yoddumnean, P. (2020). The Existence of Kan-Trum Performing Arts in Thai-Khmer Society in Surin Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 12(2), 259–280. retrieved from
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