Imagery of Belief and Faith.
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Belief and Faith in northeast people way of life, traditions and cultures that reflected through rituals and materials were the inspiration to this visual arts creation thesis called “Imagery ofBelief and Faith”.The thesiswas intended to 1) studyabout theBuddhism symbols and local believesin shapes of Buddha’s relics, flags, and King of Nagasand 2) create works of visual art that meet this idea by the color spottingon the white sheets techniqueto pass on the emotion of a peaceful and tenderheaven atmosphere.The field data of this creation was collected from the environmentsinside temples which were shrines, religious ceremonies, forms of Buddha’s relics, flags, and King of Nagas. Documentary data about architectural buildingsand the influence fromconcerned creative works were also studied.The data analysis was clearly analyzed in order to theme the symbolic shapes and painting techniques to create unique characters offour master pieces.
The result of this study was found that Buddha’s relics were built by Buddhists on memory of Buddha goodness and loyal faith on him.Flags were seen as a symbol ofgoodness. King of Nagas was the belief of northeastern people as the Buddhism protector and the faithful follower. Those were symbols to make visual art creation.And the results of creation in the planned process made me learn, correct and improve the products to meet the objectives of the creation.This could make a unity in creation: using pointillism in painting colors softly on fusing layers which made feelings of dither. There were colorful sparkles to generate theoverlapping of colors distributing the soft and peacefulatmosphere. It formed a feeling of faith- imagery in heaven atmosphere.
In conclusion: figure symbols of northeastern people belief and faith can be brought mixable with personal thoughts and imaginary to create idealism modelsthat reveal the artist identity.
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