The Traditional Music Learning Process of Folk Brass Band Provided to Young Musicians: A Case Study of Folk Brass Band Students Studying In Chongphranwitthaya School, Photharam District, Ratchaburi Province
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This research paper was a qualitative research which aimed to study the traditional music learning process; including learning step, knowledge transfer, and evaluation of folk brass band provided to young musician students who join the folk brass band and studying in Chongphranwitthaya school in Photharam district, Ratchaburi province. The scope of study focused on 3 folk brass bands in Chongphranwitthaya school, using interview and non-participant observation to collect data. The findings of the study showed that the traditional music learning process was separated into 7 steps: 1) selecting young musicians to join the folk brass band by testing their basic ability in music 2) assigning to studying through listening to the songs before appointment 3) making rehearsal schedule for appointment 4) getting acquainted 5) repeatedly studying music notations coupled with music 6) memorizing music notes of the folk brass band and 7) repeatedly practicing with the folk brass band and the experts. The communicants taught the young musicians themself and used the teaching techniques as Thai traditional music style, also evaluated them by observed and tested the young musicians in every step of learning process without any formal evaluation tests.
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