Ntsum Pob : Play for Love the Culture Choose Mate
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The objective of the current research was to explore the purpose of playing Luk Chuang during the New Year Celebration of Hmong. The research question is that such play is suitable for children but why the youth play it. The researcher employed a mixed method approach for data collection including documentary study and survey research. It was found that Hmong possessed their own tradition and culture as well as beliefs since their ancestor and reflected them through various traditions and cultures. These include for example, wedding ceremony, New Year Tradition or New Year Celebration, and Kin Khao Mai called by Hmong as Noj Peb Caug and translated as “Gin Sam Sib”. Hmong follows lunar day starting from the 1st day to the 30th day of the waxing moon according to the lunar calendar which is divided into 15 waxing moon days and 15 waning moon days, and 30 days of the lunar become 1 month. The last day (30th day) of the last month (12th month) is regarded the year end farewell. New Year ritual consists of 2 activities. 1. Belief ritual is only in a 3-day period of the 1st – 3rd days of the 1st month. The ritual includes dab quas by killing chickens to offer to ancestor, ghosts, and gods, and lamps are constantly lightened up days and nights during these whole 3 days. This ritual is believed to provide fortune to every family member during the whole new year. 2. Plays and celebrative activities are field activities comprising singing and dancing, throwing Luk Chuang , playing tops, blowing Khaen, Hy Kue Jia, shooting arrow, for example. The activity may or may not be held on the New Year Noj Peb Caug but mostly it was held along with the ritual. New Year celebration is the tradition the Hmong attentively look forward to since it is the time of meeting among relatives and making a wish from sacred figures and the seniors. It is the day for the youth in the village to choose their mate. Traditional sports and plays are arranged such as tops, luk chuang, and wood wheel contest as a very challenging and interesting sport. Throwing luk chuang or courting is done by throwing or playing luk chuang called “ntsum pob” as a ball-like rounded shape of fabric pieces in small size to be held in one hand. Players are divided into 2 sides, females and males. Before playing, females pass in luk chuang to males or females’ relative offer luk chuang to males. Once an agreement is made, luk chuang will be thrown by females while males stand side by side in line formation with both male and female facing each other in a moderate distance and throwing luk chuang to one another back and forth while talking to the partner. Hmong is an ethnic group who remain stringent to their culture and traditions. Courting is not allowed at home as it is morally wrong. Courting or choosing a mate has to be made through plays. However, it had long been disappeared at the current age. Preserving this culture provides distinctive identity of the ethnic group.
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