The Result of Learning Activities Mien Tribe Silver Handcraft Community at Tambon Khlonglan Phatthana KamPhaeng Phet Province

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jomjarun manopun
Nirat Soodsang


This research aims 1) to study the manufacturing process of the Silver tribe of Mien at Tambon Khlonglan Phatthana KamPhaeng Phet Province. 2) to design an integrated learning activity, inherit the wisdom of the Silver tribe of Mien at Tambon Khlonglan Phatthana KamPhaeng Phet Province. 3) to study the results of an integrated learning event inherit the wisdom of the Silver tribe of Mien at Tambon Khlonglan Phatthana KamPhaeng Phet Province. The sample used to study is a group of students who are studying at the Bachelor's degree in Naresuan University, and choose to enroll in the free classes. In the class of jewelry design, Semester 1 academic year 2019, which is a student, there is no fundamental design of jewelry designs, and 35 peoples. Statistics used to analyze data include the average percentage value, standard deviation, and one simple t-test can be summarized as follows:  Skill training (5 points) It has an average of 4.67. Standard deviation 0.41 gem drawing (5 points) It has an average of 4.17 standard deviation 0.7. Jewelry Case (10 points) Is the average value of 8.57 standard deviation 0.94 silver jewelry design (30 points) Is the average of 25.86 standard deviation 2.7 (10 points). It has an average of 8.54 standard deviation 0.66 Total rating 60 by average score of 51.81 the 3.22 standard deviation is equal to the average of 86.35 standard deviation 5.37 Overall, the results of the study showed that the coed has a learning effect on every aspect of the activity is good.

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How to Cite
manopun, jomjarun, & Soodsang, N. (2020). The Result of Learning Activities Mien Tribe Silver Handcraft Community at Tambon Khlonglan Phatthana KamPhaeng Phet Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 12(1), 77–100. Retrieved from
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