The Development of Beat and Rhythmic Pattern Skill Exercises for Trumpet Students in Secondary School

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Nattawat Yutim
Ni-on Tayrattanachai


The main objectives of this research are to develop a skill exercises for beat and rhythm patterns of trumpet student in secondary school and to study the result of beat and rhythm training that affects the score of beat and rhythm training in secondary trumpet students. Two secondary students were chosen for specific sample group. The research methods used in this research, were case-study and qualitative methodology. The experiment was categorized into 3 periods, which were 1) The observation of participants’ behaviour (Baseline A), 2) Activities to develop beat and rhythmic patterns (Treatment B), and 3) The Follow-up of implementation (Follow-up C). The experiment collected data and information from evaluation and behaviour observation for 12 times.

The results show that students have consistently good score in beat and rhythm patterns skill when compared the score in each experiment period. To conclude, the beat and rhythm pattern skill training that researcher has conducted makes students gain higher score.

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How to Cite
Yutim, N., & Tayrattanachai, N.- on. (2020). The Development of Beat and Rhythmic Pattern Skill Exercises for Trumpet Students in Secondary School. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 12(1), 52–76. Retrieved from
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