Iconography of the Reclining Buddha Image I-Saan Daravati Art
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This study is focus on the meaning of the iconography of the Dvaravati Reclining Buddhas in the northeastern part of Thailand (Isan). The study concerned about art forms and meaning of the dvaravati reclining buddhas in Isan. Art history research is the main methodology with the theory of cultural ecology as a complementary approach.
The target group used in the research consist of Phu Wiang reclining buddha, Phu Chum Phae district, Khon Kaen province, Phu Po reclining buddha, capital district, Karasin province, Phu Khaw reclining buddha, Sahatsakhan District, Karasin province and Cherng Doi Theparat Temple reclining buddha, capital district, Sakon Nakhon province. Data collection proceeded by the survey forms aiming on quantity and places with reclining buddhas were enshrined and descriptive analysis came at the end of the research.
The Study found that only 2 reclining buddhas demonstrated the literally Isan Dvaravati, the Phu Wiang reclining buddha and the Phu Po reclining buddha (the lower one). The second Phu Po reclining buddha (the upper one) and the Phu Khaw reclining buddha resembled each other in art forms, particularly the dressing of yellow robe for Buddhist monks with corresponded to the art form of Dvaravati reclining buddhas in other areas within Isan, differ slightly on the buddha’s faces. The Study assumed that these forms have succeeded later.
The meaning of the Dvaravati reclining Buddha in Isan is the nirvana of the Buddha. An elaborate consideration from Mahaparinibbana Sutra in the Tripitaka portrayed that there are several principles. The meaning that related to cultural and social or the arguments where to place the reclining buddha may be noted that because of moral precept and believe of the death ritual form pre-historic culture. This faith was shown by enshrined reclining buddhas over cliffs or in the caves through the northeastern part of Thailand. Both of these cultures emphasized the rituals about death, yet there are little differences in action and believes.
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