Branding and Digital Advertising Design of Lava Durian Sisaket towards Consumers’ Perception
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The purposes of this research is to: 1) to branding and design digital advertising of Lava Durian Sisaket in the format of banner advertising and infographic video, 2) to evaluate the perception of consumers towards branding and digital advertising of Lava Durian Sisaket, and 3) to evaluate the utilization of branding and digital advertising of Lava Durian Sisaket. The samples for perception evaluation consist of 382 people. In addition, the 15 target group of utilization evaluation from Sisaket Province consist of executives, Chamber of Commerce personnel, agriculturists, and merchants. This research and development study found that two formats of branding and digital advertising of Lava Durian Sisaket were banner advertising and digital advertising. The researcher designed 1024 x 600 pixels of banner advertising using cool colors due to remarkableness and attractiveness in order to attract internet users. The new presenter designs of “Nong Lamduan” and “Nong Lava” enhanced interest and recognition. The headline or creative message “Lava Durian Sisaket” was interesting and memorable which affected brand recognition. The graphics and texts were consistent with the style of the cute presenters. Moreover, they were easy to read and notable with thick and round format which could be seen in short distance and made audiences feel friendly. The evaluation result of banner advertising was at the highest level especially interpretive colorful pictures followed by size of graphics and attractive texts including interesting art composition.
However, the content information for infographic video format was from experts through focus group discussions and then analyzed and compiled. Later, the infographic video was developed into a storyboard by designing picture and graphic based on content in order to communicate to the audience through shape, color, font size, layout that were easy and relevant. The performance of digital advertising in infographic video format was highest, especially appropriate content, language, and sound level. The colorful pictures were interpretive and observable as well as attractive graphic and distinctive video.
The evaluation of consumers’ perception and utilization of Lava Durian Sisaket revealed that the overall perception was at the highest level with the highest mean of describing technique. Moreover, branding and digital advertising was utilized by executives, Chamber of Commerce personnel, agriculturists, and merchants. In conclusion, the digital advertising of Lava Durian Sisaket created reputation, reliability, and customer demand for Sisaket durian. Furthermore, local and nationwide people gained knowledge and understanding in quality and differences of Sisaket durian and others clearly.
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