A Comparative Study of Chinese Knowledge Bases towards Political Attitudes of Students Inside and Outside the School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University on Hong Kong Protests in 2019-2020


  • พรภวิษย์ หล้าพีระกุล School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Duansakaw Mongkorn International Relations Major, School of Internatinal Relations and Public Affiars, Fudan University


Student of Sinology, Basic knowledge of Chinese, Keywords: Student of Sinology; Student of Non-Sinology; Political Attitude; The Hong Kong Protests; Political Participation, The Hong Kong Protests


          The objectives of this research were (1) to study How the differences in knowledge
of Chinese among students inside and outside the School of Sinology that influenced students' attitudes towards protest events in Hong Kong? (2) to examine differences in perceptions
of the Hong Kong protests and the political participation of students in and outside the School of Sinology.

          The results of the study found that School of Sinology’s students with basic knowledge of Chinese had a greater understanding of Chinese politics, political situations, and protests in Hong Kong than outside School of Sinology’s students. However, the differences in knowledge of Chinese of two groups did not influence political attitudes, particularly towards the protests in Hong Kong. From the overall questionnaire assessment, the mean of interest was at
a moderate level of 3.02 and 3.03 points, and students from both groups had similar political views and expressions on the Hong Kong protests.


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How to Cite

หล้าพีระกุล พ., & Mongkorn, D. . (2022). A Comparative Study of Chinese Knowledge Bases towards Political Attitudes of Students Inside and Outside the School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University on Hong Kong Protests in 2019-2020. Thai Journal of East Asian Studies, 26(2), 15–33. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easttu/article/view/258239



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