Legal education on the current authority of crime scene protection and security in Thailand, United States of America, Singapore and Australia: A case study of protection and security of the crime scene of Inquiry Officials and the study on knowledge of journalists in Pathum Thani province of Thailand


  • กัลยกร ปารัชต์ธนากุล คณะสหเวชศาสตร์ สาขานิติวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


Crime scene, Evidence, Law, Inquiry Officials, journalists


          Documentary research was conducted about the current status of crime scene protection and security. An international comparative legal study was made of legislation in Thailand, the United States of America, Singapore, and Australia. Quantitative research was also conducted, with data gathered by questionnaire. Samples were 98 investigators and 50 journalists in Pathum Thani province. Data was analyzed and compared to develop suggestions for crime scene protection and security.
          The documentary research results found that the authority on crime scene protection in Thailand for police regulations is Criminal Code B.E. 2499 (1956) Section 138 and 368, which are used to prosecute personnel who enter a crime scene without permission. In the United States of America, the authority can be identified in the Crime Scene Investigation Manual and has been used to prosecute personnel committing violations in the state of Michigan. In Singapore and Australia, legislation exists in the form of an Act. Nevertheless, prosecution against crime scene violations has yet to occur in Thailand, Singapore, and Australia as it already exists in America. Quantitative results found that Inquiry Officials performance was mostly at a good level. There should be sanctions against intruders of a crime scene who enter without permission. The study also found that knowledge of crime scene protection and security journalists was mostly at a low level. These findings imply that knowledge should be primarily prioritized.
          In addition, more support in terms of equipment, workforce, police patrol, foundation officials, journalists, and citizens, is required. From a legal perspective, a revision to the Code of Police Regulations on Litigation, Section 132 of the Criminal Procedure Code B.E. 2477(1934), and proposed bills for Protection and Security of the Crime Scene are needed, as well as enhanced enforcement of existing law in Thailand.


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How to Cite

ปารัชต์ธนากุล ก. (2021). Legal education on the current authority of crime scene protection and security in Thailand, United States of America, Singapore and Australia: A case study of protection and security of the crime scene of Inquiry Officials and the study on knowledge of journalists in Pathum Thani province of Thailand. Thai Journal of East Asian Studies, 25(2), 84–99. Retrieved from



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