From Disaster Diplomacy to “Political Legitimacy”: Rethinking the Changing Role of Thai Military Through the Case of Myanmar Flood Relief in 2015


  • Lakchayaporn Thansiri Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University
  • Thapiporn Suporn Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University


disaster diplomacy, Thai military, National Council for Peace and Order, political legitimacy, Myanmar flood


The article examines the evolving role of the Thai military under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) as they recently turned to pursue “disaster diplomacy”, as evidenced in flood relief in Myanmar in 2015. By employing the concept of Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) and political legitimacy as conceptual frameworks, the article argues that Thai junta's relief activities primarily mirrored its attempts to seek for political legitimacy abroad. The NCPO Government has been under tremendous scrutiny from the international community since the coup d'état in 2014. Under the circumstances, the quest to rebrand and legitimize its regime is of utmost importance, and the case of Myanmar flood relief in 2015 is a perfect example of such efforts. Evidently, the military government has not concentrated on the success of the response to the disaster as much as on attempts to seek political legitimacy abroad. Moreover, while there has been a prevalent narrative that the junta has gradually reclaimed its legitimacy following state visits by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha's state visits to the U.S. and the major countries of the European Union, the 2015 Myanmar flood relief, the article argues, should have been regarded as a milestone in reviving the international political legitimacy of the Prayut Administration.



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How to Cite

Thansiri, L., & Suporn, T. (2019). From Disaster Diplomacy to “Political Legitimacy”: Rethinking the Changing Role of Thai Military Through the Case of Myanmar Flood Relief in 2015. Thai Journal of East Asian Studies, 23(2), 212–231. retrieved from



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