Using Digital Communication Technology to Preserve the Thai Cultural Theatrical Arts “Moram Rueang To Klon” : Case Study of Prathombanterngsin

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Sandusit Brorewongtrakhul
Sopat Nasawat


           “Moram Rueang To Klon” theatrical arts is a traditional culture of the northeast of Thailand that should be preserved by using the current trend of Social media and technology. The research aimed to study the behavior of the online members of the Prathombanterngsin fanclubs of Moram Rueang To Klon theatrical arts on social media. This quantitative research collected data from 400 questionnaires. The sample size was calculated using the Yamane comparison table and proportionate stratified random sampling method. The research instrument was a five-level rating scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.98 The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test,
f-test, and Scheffe’s comparison of pairs.  

            The research found that the fanclubs of Molam Rueang To Klon theatrical arts of Prathombanterngsin were 75.5 percent. Male were aged between 31-40 years, 37.8 percent, 47.3 percent were single, 56.5 percent had bachelor degree level, 41.8 percent were employees of a private company, and had 37.3 percent an average income per person per month of 10,001-20,000 baht. The hypothesis test found that the members of different genders had different behaviors on the Prathombanterngsin Facebook fanpage. Also, fanclubs have exposure on the Prathombanterngsin Facebook fanpage. The relationship between the Prathombanterngsin and fanclubs was different at the statistically significant level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Brorewongtrakhul, S., & Nasawat, S. (2021). Using Digital Communication Technology to Preserve the Thai Cultural Theatrical Arts “Moram Rueang To Klon” : Case Study of Prathombanterngsin. Journal of Cultural Approach, 22(42), 44–53. retrieved from
Research Article


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