The Characteristics of Tourist Orchard Practices in Trat Province towards Their Multifunctionality and Values

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Phornphan Roopklom


          The aims of this research are to explore characteristics of tourist orchards in The aims of this research are to explore characteristics of tourist orchards in Trat province, and study perceived multifunctionality and values of orchards. The primary data from interviews of 9 local farmers/owners were gathered. Secondary data from the literature were obtained. The study investigated tourist orchards in the study area may be categorized as traditional mixed and organic orchards. Most of the tourist orchards use a combination of chemical substances and organic matter as fertilizers. Two of the orchards have received a government seal certifying that the exported fruits from their orchards are organically grown. All orchards depend on rainwater for irrigation; however, six orchards temporarily impound water in man–made ponds while the others use pumped water from natural resources. Permanent and temporary labor is crucial for maintaining orchards throughout the whole–year farming cycle. Moreover, the multifunctionality of the tourist orchards in Trat Province includes four fundamental functions namely, ‘white’, ‘green’, ‘blue’ and ‘yellow’. The tourist orchards also have cultural, social, economic, and environmental value, which directly and indirectly benefit the nation and the local community, including the visitors/tourists. It is obvious that orchard tourism does not only provide agricultural products, it also provides other functions that create a multitude of tangible and intangible benefits to the environment, community, and economy.

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How to Cite
Roopklom, P. (2019). The Characteristics of Tourist Orchard Practices in Trat Province towards Their Multifunctionality and Values. Journal of Cultural Approach, 20(38), 91–104. retrieved from
Research Article


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