Community and Tourism Economic Development with Cultural Original Capital : A Case Study of Strongly Traditional Parade of Nak, Non Salao Village, Nontoom Sub–district, Phukhieo District, Chaiyaphum Province

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Thitirada Prampree


          The research objective of community and tourism economic development with cultural original capital : a case study of strongly traditional parade of Nak, Non Salao village, Nongtoom sub–district, Phukheio district, Chaiyaphum province was to 1) study about the management of the tourism of the strongly traditional parade of Nak, Non–Salao Village, Nongtoom Sub–district, Phukheio District, Chaiyaphum Province in accordance with the satisfaction of the tourists and 2) analyze the participation and support way of the government department and the community toward the economic reinforcement in tourism economic development with cultural original capital of strongly traditional parade of Nak, Non–Salao village, Nongtoom sub–district, Phukheio district, Chaiyaphum province. The target group was divided into 2 groups were 1) the purposive sampling including 30 key informants were interviewed with the structured interview form and 2) the accidental sampling of 100 tourisms, collecting data by using the satisfaction form of the tourisms toward the tourism management in the strongly traditional parade of Nak. The research revealed that the tourisms had satisfaction toward the tourism management at a more level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.23) and the proper way in developing the tourism village with cultural original capital was needed by the participation of the government, private sector and the community people to manage the tourism and to attract the tourists by using the identity of the community and using the identity of the community to integrate in tourism and reinforcement toward the people in the community.

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How to Cite
Prampree, T. (2019). Community and Tourism Economic Development with Cultural Original Capital : A Case Study of Strongly Traditional Parade of Nak, Non Salao Village, Nontoom Sub–district, Phukhieo District, Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Cultural Approach, 20(38), 40–52. retrieved from
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