King’s Science: Buddhist Integration of Modern Science for Thai Society at All Levels

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Phrakru Sunthonkhemapinan
Phrakru Sujitkittiwat
Phrapalad Wetchayan Thitasuttho


          This article is about the king. This is an important work of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulya–dej, who was born from the royal dignitaries in his work to help the people. King science is a science that contains many knowledge. The most important is the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. Based on the principle of the Middle Way or the middle line in Buddhism. It is a direct integrated Buddhist linkage to solve the economic problems and the well–being of the Thai people. Because of this, King Rama is considered to be the most important science in the era when Thailand is in a state of strategic drive to manage the country to Thailand 4.0. Equivalent to other countries. And innovative modern Buddhist philosophy of modern Thai society at all levels. This article is about the king. This is an important work of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulya–dej, who was born from the royal dignitaries in his work to help the people. King science is a science that contains many knowledge. The most important is the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. Based on the principle of the Middle Way or the middle line in Buddhism. It is a direct integrated Buddhist linkage to solve the economic problems and the well–being of the Thai people. Because of this, King Rama is considered to be the most important science in the era when Thailand is in a state of strategic drive to manage the country to Thailand 4.0. Equivalent to other countries. And innovative modern Buddhist philosophy of modern Thai society at all levels.

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How to Cite
Sunthonkhemapinan, P., Sujitkittiwat, P., & Thitasuttho, P. W. (2019). King’s Science: Buddhist Integration of Modern Science for Thai Society at All Levels. Journal of Cultural Approach, 20(37), 87–101. retrieved from
Academic Article


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