The Study on Folk Medicine Knowledge in Menopausal Syndrome Treatment Chantaburi Province

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Suratsawadee Sinwat
et al.


           The purpose of this research was to study the history and knowledge of folk  The purpose of this research was to study the history and knowledge of folk medicine and to study the healing process with folk medicine knowledge, to qualitative research methodology, to collect fieldwork data and to descriptive analysis. The research found that the history of folk medicine knowledge has been for thousands of years, according to the Buddhist way of thinking that the illness is caused by soil, water, wind, fire within the body to unbalance, In terms of the folk medicine knowledge. It was found that the symptoms occurred when the women were 40–50 years old. Symptoms of sweating, insomnia, irritability, and exhaustion until they are treated, folk medicine the age of 60–91 years old has the essential qualities of being a moral principle, in the treatment process, a physical examination of the patient, a  physical examination by pulse, and a calculation of the data of birth. Diagnosis in the collection of medical expenses from patients, the folk medicine will not charge money for treatment, the patient will give money by faith. The time of treatment if the initial illness is improved within 3 days, but need to continue taking the drug for to 1–2 months and follow the results of the treatment 3 times a week. In the case of heavy–duty patients, continuous treatment and cure within 2–3 months. This research resulted in extensive local herbal conservation

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How to Cite
Sinwat, S., & al., et. (2019). The Study on Folk Medicine Knowledge in Menopausal Syndrome Treatment Chantaburi Province. Journal of Cultural Approach, 20(37), 37–49. retrieved from
Research Article


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