Component of Marketing Factors and Tourist Behavior to visit the Khlong Lad Mayom Floating Market

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Varaporn Limpremwattana
Darika Koolkaew


            The research is component of marketing factors and tourist behavior to visit the Khlong Lad Mayom floating market. This is quantitative research with a total of 400 sets of questionnaires were used in this study was to determine the average percent standard deviation. And factor analysis (Factor Analysis) research shows that tourists behavior to visit the Khlong Lad Mayom floating market focus to 1) Factor of service rate, place, convenience and promptitude. 2) Factor of advertising and public relation. 3) Factor of tourism activities, transportation and safety. 4) Factor of price tag and affordability.

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How to Cite
Limpremwattana, V., & Koolkaew, D. (2018). Component of Marketing Factors and Tourist Behavior to visit the Khlong Lad Mayom Floating Market. Journal of Cultural Approach, 19(36), 41–50. retrieved from
Research Article


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