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he study was aimed to identify how international tourists acquire their information, cognitiveand affective attributes that contribute to their image of Guilin, and the influences of socio-demographicfactors. The target population group for quantitative primary data collection was international visitors(including Hongkongese, Taiwanese, and Macanese) over 18 years old in Bangkok, Thailand. Thequantitative method was employed for data analysis, and 400 questionnaires were distributed. However,due to the flooding of Bangkok, only 200 completed questionnaires were collected. The majority ofrespondents were male, student, 18-29 years old, had monthly incomes below $1.499, graduated with abachelor degree, and were Asian.The results revealed Americans, Asians and Europeans tend to consider “recommendation fromfriends and relatives” as the most important information source. On the other hand, Oceanians andAfricans preferred internet information sources most. Moreover, international tourists have differencecognitive image of Guilin, for good transportation and easy to get information, Americans had lessagreement than Asians, while Asians agreed less than Europeans in language barriers. Furthermore, foraffective image, Americans preferred to have a change from daily life more than Asians. Additionally,international tourists by region have different perception on the factors about Guilin and even though theyhave the same perception but the level of agreement showed differences.Keywords : international tourists, information source, cognitive image, affective image, perception

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How to Cite
YIN, L. (2013). PERCEPTION OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TOWARDS GUILIN. Journal of Cultural Approach, 14(25), 3–17. Retrieved from
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