The development of learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning in Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces.


  • cherdchom chollada Panyapiwat Institute of Management


The objectives of this research are: 1. to develop learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning in Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces; and 2. to assess satisfaction with the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning in Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces. This research employs quantitative methods. The sample group used in the study was divided into two groups: 1. Five experts in education, learning management, or measurement and evaluation areas, with a minimum of five years of working experience. This sample was selected using purposive sampling. 2. Ten instructors who utilized the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject from ten schools with Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces. This group was selected through simple random sampling from Chinese language classrooms that cooperated with Panyapiwat Institute of Management and offered the Business Chinese Conversation subject. The tools used to collect data are divided into two types: 1. a quality assessment form of the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject, and 2. a satisfaction assessment form of the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation (S.D.). The results are as follows:

1. The quality assessment of the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning management revealed that the mean overall appropriateness of the book format was 4.88, with a standard deviation of 0.30. The mean overall appropriateness of the content was 4.84, with a standard deviation of 0.28. The mean overall appropriateness of application was 4.80, with a standard deviation of 0.44. All three aspects of appropriateness are at the highest level.

2. The satisfaction assessment of those who used the learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning found that the mean overall content was 3.72, with a standard deviation of 0.95. The appropriateness of the application was found to be 3.74, with a standard deviation of 1.15. Both aspects were rated at a high level.


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How to Cite

chollada, cherdchom. (2024). The development of learning management handbooks for the Business Chinese Conversation subject using activity-based learning in Chinese language classrooms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi provinces. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 11(1), 205–216. retrieved from



Research article