The Development of Chinese Vocabulary Ability Using Mnemonics Technique with Learning Application of Grade 5 Students


  • pawarisa damrongjitsanguan -


Chinese vocabulary ability, Retention of word memorization, Mnemonic technique, Learning application


The purposes of this research article were 1) to compare the Chinese vocabulary ability of students before and after using mnemonic techniques with a learning application; 2) to investigate the retention of Chinese word memorization of students before and after using mnemonic techniques with a learning application; and 3) to investigate the attitudes of students toward the use of mnemonic techniques with a learning application. The sample of the study consisted of fifth-graders in the first semester of the academic year 2022 at a private school in the province of Kanchanaburi. In the study, cluster random selection was utilized, resulting in one classroom with 44 students. The study instruments comprised 1) six lesson plans, 2) a multiple-choice test of Chinese vocabulary ability with four options, and 3) an interview to determine students' perspectives on mnemonic techniques for learning application. Mean, standard deviation, t-test for dependent samples, and content analysis were used to examine the data. The results revealed that 1) The students' Chinese vocabulary ability after using mnemonic techniques with learning application was significantly higher than before learning at .01 level; 2) The students' retention of Chinese vocabulary after two weeks of using mnemonic techniques with learning application increased by 5.17 %; and 3) the majority of the students interviewed liked and enjoyed using mnemonic techniques with learning application to learn and improve the ability of Chinese vocabulary.


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How to Cite

damrongjitsanguan, pawarisa, & VISUTTAKUL, C. (2023). The Development of Chinese Vocabulary Ability Using Mnemonics Technique with Learning Application of Grade 5 Students. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 10(1), 257–270. Retrieved from



Research article