The Research on the Intercultural Communication Ability ofChinese Enterprise’s staff in Thailand ——Taking Example ofChinese Tire Manufacturing Industry in Thailand


  • QI WEI -


Thailand, ChineseTireManufacturingEnterprise, staff, Intercultural Communication Competence


With the development of economic globalization, more and more enterprises begin to go abroad and take root in countries all over the world. At the same time, more and more Chinese people are sent to work abroad to get in touch with different cultures, and the intercultural phenomenon also arises, and intercultural communication competence gradually gets attention, and more and more people realize that intercultural communication competence has become one of the essential competencies in the 21st century.In this context, the author takes the ICC theoretical model proposed by Byram on behalf of Chinese tire manufacturing enterprises in Thailand as an example and divides intercultural competence into four competence dimensions: cognitive understanding, affective attitude, behavioral skills, and cultural awareness. The intercultural communication competence of employees is investigated and studied by questionnaire survey method, interview method, case study method and literature collection method. Through the investigation and study, it is found that language barrier, cultural difference, working environment and living environment are the main factors affecting the development of intercultural communication competence of employees, and targeted suggestions are made to the three parties of school, enterprise and employees themselves in the cultivation of intercultural communication competence


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How to Cite

WEI, Q. (2024). The Research on the Intercultural Communication Ability ofChinese Enterprise’s staff in Thailand ——Taking Example ofChinese Tire Manufacturing Industry in Thailand. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 11(1), 527–538. Retrieved from



Research article