China Social Reflections during the Northern Song Dynasty within Dongjing Meng Hua Lu Memoir based on Discourse Analysis
Social Reflection, Northern Song Dynasty, Analytical Discourse, Dongjing Meng Hua Lu MemoirAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze Chinese social reflection during the Northern Song Dynasty within Dong Jing Meng Hua Lu memoir by Meng Yuan Lao in 1127 AD. This research uses analytical discourse by focusing on 5 aspects of society. The results of the research show: 1) The economic is very prosperous. There is flexibility to when and where to trade; 2) The education system is very progressive. Civil entrance examination emphasis on knowledge and competency more than family lineage which open for anyone to take the exam regardless of social class. There is also an education promotion by setting up schools to provide education for all citizens; 3) The livelihood aspect was found to be a golden age for urban society. The occupation is organized in a structured manner. The family values of having many wives and children to maintain the family lineage. Women hold an inferior status in society. Food and art culture has evolved greatly in this period. It was considered the golden age of Chu poetry; 4) In terms of traditions, rituals, and festivals, it was found that religion was involved in citizen's daily lives. Various ceremonies were held by the organized businesses. Marriage is mainly a parent's decision. Various important Festival Day frequently held; 5) The social issue, it was found that the religion is deteriorating, there are problems with prostitution and gambling which resulted in poverty. This research also found that social reflection is mainly written in positive aspect, emphasizing celebrations in various festivals to convey the reader's feelings of happiness in the past society.
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