Study on the Current Situation of the New Generation of Overseas Chinese in Thailand from the Group of Chinese Teachers Living in Thailand


  • LI XIUHONG -no


Thailand, Chinese Teacher, Overseas Chinese, situation


   With the promotion of Chinese language teaching in Thailand, more and more Chinese teachers live in Thailand and become an important part of the overseas Chinese community in Thailand. Exploring this group will help us better understand the current situation of the new generation of overseas Chinese in Thailand. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 16 Chinese teachers living in Thailand in four age groups, explored the current situation and changes of the new generation of overseas Chinese in Thailand by using comparative analysis, and analyzed their internal differences. The results showed that the new generation of Thai overseas Chinese came from a wider range of ancestral places, covering the north and south of China. Most people have more professional skills to make a living. They have a wider circle of friends but are more able to integrate into the local community. Most people stay because they like the comfortable life in Thailand. They rarely change their nationality, and most of them intend to return to China for development. Most people think they are Chinese in cultural identity. Most of the older generation of overseas Chinese live in Thailand because of their families and careers and are willing to change their nationality. However, the new generation of overseas Chinese live in Thailand based on their interests and have not yet considered changing their nationality. The cultural identity of the successful immigrant tends to Thailand.


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How to Cite

XIUHONG, L., & NUMTONG, K. (2023). Study on the Current Situation of the New Generation of Overseas Chinese in Thailand from the Group of Chinese Teachers Living in Thailand. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 10(1), 225–244. Retrieved from



Research article