A comparative study of the color culture of ceremony costumes between China and Thailand through the drama series


  • dr.ONKANYA ROJANAWANICHKIJ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตหาดใหญ่


Culture, Color-costumes, Wedding ceremony, Funeral ceremony


The aim of this paper is to study and analyzes the cultural differences in the colors reflected in the wedding and funeral costumes between China and Thailand through the scenes of the episode, the color of the ceremonial clothing and the choice of clothing color.

           From a case study of 8 Chinese -Thai dramas, it is found that the costume colors in Chinese -Thai weddings are the same in terms of using colorful colors or maintaining auspicious meanings. Even if black or white is used, these two colors do not have the same negative connotations as funerals, and the difference is that Chinese weddings are dominated by red. Because the Chinese consider red to be an auspicious color, brightly colored clothes or different colored fabrics are often worn in Thai wedding ceremonies. The colors of the funeral ceremonies in China and Thailand are both black and white, which also implies similar meanings, that is, sadness, reluctance, and respect for the dead. Linen clothing in China also refers to the clothes worn by relatives of the deceased according to their closeness to the deceased. At funerals in Thailand, both black and white costumes are used. Today, black and white have changed meanings, and no meaning is given to convey kinship or age range, reflecting the belief that the idea has changed over time.


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How to Cite

ROJANAWANICHKIJ, dr.ONKANYA. (2023). A comparative study of the color culture of ceremony costumes between China and Thailand through the drama series. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 10(1), 283–300. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/clcjn/article/view/259056



Research article