Development of an Alphabet Writing Learning Package for Foundation Chinese, Based on Bi Shun Concept Incorporating LINE 词典 (ci dian) Application, and Self-Directed Learning to Enhance Writing Ability of Second Year Students from Chinese Language Educat


  • Nukul Thammachong Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University (Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation)


Development a Learning Package, Writing Chinese Alphabet, Self-Directed Learning


          The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop an alphabet writing learning package for Foundation Chinese Course, based on Bi Shun concept, incorparting LINE 词典 (ci dian) Application, and Self-Directed Learning, to enhance writing Ability of the second year students from Chinese Language Education Curriculum of Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University; 2) compare learning achievement of writing learning package in the fundamental Chinese subject between pre-test and post-test; and 3) study a student’s satisfaction toward using writing learning package the fundamental Chinese subject. The research populations consisted of 31 second-year students and 31 third-year students from Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University who met the requirement of having taken Chinese courses earlier, at least one year in the disciplinary field, and not being on internship. There were 31 samples selected by Lottery Sampling, which included those of the second year, enrolling in the first semester of 2021. The research tools for data collection consisted of a learning package, lesson plans, a pre-test, a posttest, and a satisfaction survey. First part of the data analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool was conducted by using mean, percentage and S.D. Additionally, t-test, the values that are not independent of each other, was employed to test the research hypothesis. The results find that 1) the effectiveness of the learning package was at 83.61/86.22 which was considered higher than the criterion set of 80/80. 2) The students’ achievement after experiencing the learning package was higher than that of before, at a significant level of 0.5. 3) The students’ satisfaction toward the learning package was considerably at a high level  ( = 4.39, S.D. = 0.72).


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How to Cite

Thammachong, N. (2023). Development of an Alphabet Writing Learning Package for Foundation Chinese, Based on Bi Shun Concept Incorporating LINE 词典 (ci dian) Application, and Self-Directed Learning to Enhance Writing Ability of Second Year Students from Chinese Language Educat. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 9(2), 267–286. Retrieved from



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