จย่าทั่นชุน: สตรีนักปฏิรูปภายใต้สังคมชายเป็นใหญ่ในวรรณคดีเรื่อง ความฝันในหอแดง

Jia Tan-Chun: A Female Reformer beneath the Patriarchal Society in the Dream of the Red Chamber


  • PUTHEP PRAPAGORN Chinese Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Thailand


Jia Tanchun, Reformer, Patriarchal Society, The Dream of the Red Chamber, Chinese Literature


This research aims to analyze Jai Tan-Chun’s(贾探春) behaviors on her notion of          a family reform under the depressive circumstances caused by her family and a patriarchy system in the Dream of the Red Chamber’s society. This qualitative documentary research employed the notions of liberal feminism, radical feminism and patriarchy as conceptual frameworks. The data from the literary text, dialogues and the narrations describing Jai Tan-Chun’s characteristics, perspectives and actions were collected with the extent to focus on various aspects of the reform such as economy, stability, management and leadership. The characters’ attitudes toward Jai Tan-Chun’s actions was also emphasized. The results showed that the readers had opportunity to see Jai Tan-Chun as an exceptional planner and leader, during the time that she led the Jia family. She had an insightful understanding of the situation that the family was encountering, and this wisely reflected the massive decaying of a feudalism society. She was also the mastermind who could persuade the important figures of the family to assemble in the Poet Gathering event. Lastly, she could establish the image of a woman who held the great level of leadership. Unfortunately, with a patriarchy feudalism system that dominated over the Jias, Jai Tan-Chun could not flee from the fact that her value was pre-determined by a man-that was her father- as a tool to merely maintain the relationship of power through marriage with other elite families. This highlights how the abilities of women living in this type of social system, is neither being acknowledged nor appreciated from men in the family. This is the reason why the wise and capable woman as Jai Tan-Chun would certainly have the miserable fate, with no right to fight for the gender equality for herself.



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How to Cite

PRAPAGORN, P. (2022). จย่าทั่นชุน: สตรีนักปฏิรูปภายใต้สังคมชายเป็นใหญ่ในวรรณคดีเรื่อง ความฝันในหอแดง: Jia Tan-Chun: A Female Reformer beneath the Patriarchal Society in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 9(1), 249–278. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/clcjn/article/view/254251