
A Study of the Phonological Characteristics of Cantonese in Thailand


  • PAPHADA TAWEEAKSORNPHUN คณะภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจีน มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Phonology, Cantonese dialect,, “Sam Yup” accent, Thai language


This research is study of the phonological characteristics of the Cantonese dialects, “Sam Yap” accent in Thailand. To study the changes of the Cantonese language in Thailand, by comparison with the Guangzhou Dialect which is considered the standard Cantonese in China. And a comparative study of the phonological characteristics of Cantonese in Thailand and Thai language for the benefit of teaching. This study used data from the 1000 – word Chinese survey document and the consonant, vowel, tone survey document. By bringing the survey document to collect field data from 7 informants from the North, the South, the Central region, 2 from each region, and 1 from the Northeast in Thailand.

     The result found that the phonological characteristics of the Cantonese dialects, “Sam Yap” accent in Thailand consists of 18 consonant phonemes, 80 vowel phonemes and 9 tone phonemes. In addition, 2 vowel phonemes were also found to changed their vowel form from “œn” and “œt” to “on” and "ot”, respectively. As for the 4th (13) tone, tendency to change to the 5th (33) tone. However there were still some words that informants retained the original tone. For a comparative study of the phonological characteristics of Cantonese in Thailand and Thai language, it was found that there were 14 vowel phonemes and 2 tone phonemes that did not exist in the Thai phonetic system. This is one of the many reasons that affect teaching and learning between the 2 languages. Therefore, to fully understand the phonological characteristics of any language, will lead to the transfer of correct knowledge to develop teaching and learning management to be more effective.


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How to Cite

TAWEEAKSORNPHUN, P. (2022). การศึกษาระบบเสียงภาษาจีนกวางตุ้งในประเทศไทย: A Study of the Phonological Characteristics of Cantonese in Thailand. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 9(1), 231–248. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/clcjn/article/view/252241