
  • มาริสา แซ่เฉิง คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


Chinese and Thai, multi-syllable, parallel words, structure types, comparative analysis


Coordinate word formation is an important word formation method in both Chinese and Thai.  However, the conceptual categories of coordinate compounds in Chinese and Thai are different. From the perspective of the types of associations between the constituent components, Chinese and Thai coordinate words are composed of two or more morphemes with the same, similar, related or opposite meanings.  And there are three types of coordinate compounds, including consonance, divergence and classification. In addition, the conceptual category of Thai coordinated words also includes "phonetic related coordinated compounds", that is, a word composed of two or more syllables that have a harmonious relationship between phonetics and rhyme.  The two components of the coordinate words are not semantically related, and the two components mainly have a harmonious relationship in phonetics.

In this paper, we count and investigate the multi-syllable coordinate compounds in the "Chinese Test Dictionary" and "Thai National Corpus Word Frequency Table". It is found that both Chinese and Thai have mainly four syllables, and in Thai were also found singular three-syllable and five-syllable coordinate words.  Chinese four-syllable coordinate compounds mainly include three structural types: "Cascade Coordinates (CACB/ACBC)", "Cross Coordinates (A1A2B1B2)" and "Two-word Coordinates ([A1B1][A2B2])", of which "Cross Coordinates" has the highest proportion. Thai four-syllable coordinate compounds mainly include six structural types: "Cascade Coordinates (CACB)", "Phonetic Related Cascade Coordinates (CACB)", "Two-word Coordinates ([A][B])", and "Phonetic Semantically Related Two-word Coordinates ([A1B1][A2B2]), "Two-word Cascade Coordinates ([CA][CB])" and "Purely Phonetic Related Coordinates (ABCD)", among which the “Phonetic Related Cascade Coordinates” has the highest proportion.  It can be seen from the number of syllables and structure types that Thai coordinate compounds are more focused on phonological harmony, while the aesthetic interest of "balanced symmetry" of the Chinese plays a certain role in the construction of four-syllable coordinate compounds.


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How to Cite

แซ่เฉิง ม. (2021). A CONTRASTIVE STUDY OF THE FORM AND STRUCTURE OF CHINESE AND THAI MULTI – SYLLABLE COORDINATE COMPOUNDS. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 8(1), 261–278. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/clcjn/article/view/246359