Relationship of Contrast: A Visual Exploration of Urban Transformation in Chinese Cities

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Fangzhu Li
Boontan Chettasuret
Suchat Sukna


This paper explores the dynamic interplay between urban and rural environments through the lens of visual arts, specifically traditional Chinese painting. The study draws parallels between the celestial balance in the universe and the coexistence of contrast and harmony within human societal structures, focusing on the evolving urban landscapes of Qingdao, Shandong Province. The research intertwines extensive data collection, including field photography and literature review, with a creative process that employs Chinese brush and ink techniques. The artworks produced during the study articulate the contrasts between rural and urban settings using varied colors, lines, and forms, thereby bringing to life the thematic essence of urban-rural interplay. The journey of creation, documented through pre-thesis and thesis artwork, reveals a deepening understanding and nuanced expression of the contrasting dynamics in these environments. The study extends beyond mere artistic representation, delving into the socio-cultural implications of these contrasts and their resonance in contemporary society. The paper concludes with suggestions for artists and individuals interested in exploring urban and rural themes, emphasizing the importance of integrating art with daily life, experimenting with various artistic mediums, and engaging in cross-disciplinary collaboration. ‘Relationship of Contrast’ not only showcases artistic prowess but serves as a conduit for deeper societal reflection, underscoring the influential role of art in interpreting and influencing societal and cultural dynamics.

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How to Cite
Li, F., Chettasuret, B. ., & Sukna, S. . (2024). Relationship of Contrast: A Visual Exploration of Urban Transformation in Chinese Cities. วิพิธพัฒนศิลป์, 4(3), 120–136. สืบค้น จาก


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