Ndadi: A Preliminary Perspective on Trance in the Angguk Sripanglaras Folk Performance of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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This study investigates the complexities of dancers' experiences during the ndadi moment in Angguk performances, an emblematic folk performance from Kulon Progo Regency in Yogyakarta. The full Angguk performance consists of three sequences, with ndadi scenes in each sequence. Researchers have often interpreted the Ndadi scene as a state of possession or trance, and this study tries to determine whether it is indeed possession or trance. For this study, Angguk Sripanglara's performances were observed, interviews were conducted with performers and leaders, and the relevant literature was reviewed. The results showed that dancers experienced diverse conditions during an Ndadi scene, and the experience could vary from performance to performance. Based on observation and interviews, ndadi is a mandatory part of a full Angguk performance, whether the dancers experience trance, possession, both, or neither.
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