Effect of E-Trust, Customer Focus and Innovativeness on E-Satisfaction of E-Banking; A Moderated-Mediating Analysis

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Pichet Thongkhum
Boonthawan Wingwon
Montree Piriyakul
Daosawan Sukapun
Jearmkwan Ratchusanti
Kanokwan Uthongsap


The objectives of this research were to study e-service quality, e-trust, customer focus, innovativeness, and e-satisfaction of e-banking users, to explore the e-quality of service and e-trust that guide the path with a customer focus including e-service quality and e-satisfaction directing the path with a customer focus, and to learn the e-trust and e-satisfaction guiding the innovativeness of e-banking users in Thailand. The sample group was 820 e-banking users of specialized and commercial banks in Thailand. The instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze data were descriptive and inferential statistics used to SEM with ADANCO and Sobel's Test. The results showed that all factors were at a high level, but the levels were downward in descending order. Those were e-satisfaction, e-service quality, e-trust, innovativeness, and customer focus, where ETRS was a key factor in transferring ESQ's influence to ESAT well before and after CF and INN routing. Therefore, the bank had to operate under a low moderate level of CF and INN. The focus on CF and INN was not good for customer satisfaction.

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