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The purposes of this research were to develop an online learning communities model to enhance knowledge management in research for graduate studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. The research process is divided into four phases. The first phase was to study the concepts, theories, relevant research principles and study the needs of the online Learning communities model to enhance knowledge management in research for graduate studies. The samples in the research were 74 lecturers and 151 students. The second phase was to create (draft) model of online learning communities to enhance knowledge management. The third phase was to develop and validate the online learning community model to enhance knowledge management. The sample in the research was 42 students. And the last phase was to edit the online learning community model and evaluate quality by experts / present research reports. Research instruments were 1) questionnaire 2) online learning communities model quality assessment form 3) online learning communities system 4) quiz and
5) behavioral observation form.
The research found that online learning communities model to enhance knowledge management in research for graduate studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University consists of 6 steps: 1) create 2) select 3) adapt 4) keep 5) manage and 6) publish. There are 5 elements of online learning communities model namely
1) people 2) activity 3) supporting 4) tools on web and 5) knowledge. The research found that people, supporting and tools on web are most appropriate ( = 4.80, SD=0.45) and step of publish is most appropriate (
= 4.80, SD=0.45). Graduate students have learning achievement after using online learning communities model higher than before using at .05 significant level and they have highest mean in the ability to write research projects in the name of the project followed by having the opportunity to successfully research and write research questions, research objectives and research hypothesis. Graduate students have satisfied with the online learning community as a whole at the highest level which is satisfied with the media and the media type, the most infographic is the average of 4.70.
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