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The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate the level of psychological well-being Mahasarakham University Students and, 2) to compare psychological well-being with personal factors: gender, year, Faculty, GPA and marital status of the parents. Sample groups include Bachelor degree students Mahasarakham University, academic year 2020, consisting of 645 people from 6 faculties, selected by stratified random sampling. The research instruments were the psychological well-being scale of Mahasarakham University students. The reliability of psychological well-being scale was equal to .94. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, analysis of variance and Pair-wise comparison testing.
The research findings were as follows: 1) Mahasarakham University Students had overall psychological well-being at a high level, and 2) Mahasarakham University Students with different gender, faculty, year, and academic achievement (GPA) had statistically significant differences in psychological well-being, male students had higher psychological well-being than females, the first and second year students had higher psychological well-being than the third year students, the Faculty of Science students have higher psychological well-being than students of Business School, and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and students with academic achievement of 3.51 or more, 3.01-3.50 and 2.51-3.00 had higher psychological well-being than students with academic achievement of 2.00-2.50, but students whose parents had different marital status had no statistically significant differences in psychological well-being.
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