The Ethical Leadership Model for Administrators of Normal Colleges and Universities in Liaoning Province
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The objectives of this research were: (1) to determine the components and indicators of ethical leadership for administrators of normal colleges and universities in Liaoning Province; (2) to propose ethical leadership model for administrators of normal colleges and universities in Liaoning Province; and (3) to develop implementation guidelines for ethical leadership for administrators of normal colleges and universities in Liaoning Province.The research was mixed methodology research including qualitative research and quantitative research. Population was administrators and teachers from 10 normal colleges and universities in Liaoning Province, the People’s Republic of China, totaling 7903.The sample was obtained by proportional stratified random sampling method determined by statistical program, totally 367. The instruments used for collecting data were a semi-structured interview form, a five-point rating scale questionnaire, and Focus Group Discussion form. Descriptive statistics and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were used to perform data analysis by using statistical software as well as the content analysis was employed.
Research results were revealed that: (1) the components and indicators screened from theoretical framework, consisted of six components and 41 indicators of ethical leadership for administrators of normal colleges and universities in Liaoning Province namely, people orientation, fairness and justice, power sharing, ethical guidance, role clarification and integrity and honesty; (2) developed model of the ethical leadership for administrators in normal colleges and universities in Liaoning Province was consistent with the empirical data (X²/df=1.742, GFI=0.855, AGFI=0.838, NFI=0.876, IFI=0.943, TLI=0.940,CFI=0.943, RMSEA=0.045); and (3) there were 21 implementation guidelines for the ethical leadership for administrators of normal colleges and universities in Liaoning Province.
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