The Influence of Education Campaign on Control Spread of Hepatitis B Virus Disease: A Case Study in Phuket Province, Thailand

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Anuwat Jirawattanapanit
Anurak Weraprasertsakun


           This research aims to study and analyze the stability of mathematical models for controlling the spread of hepatitis B virus disease in the Education Campaign in Phuket Province, Thailand. We analyze the model using standard methods, focusing on the equilibrium point, the stability of these points, and analytical solutions. The rate of Education Campaigns for the spread of the hepatitis B virus in mathematical modelling and numerical solutions is studied. The results of the mathematical model analysis revealed that the rate of Education Campaigns for the spread of hepatitis B virus is a factor that affects the basic reproductive number on mathematical modelling, and the rate of Education Campaigns with higher values results in a lower basic reproductive number. Therefore, the rate of Education Campaigns is the factor affecting mathematical modelling, if the population has an Education Campaign and follows the hypothesis, then the spread of the hepatitis B virus decreases until there is no epidemic.

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How to Cite
Jirawattanapanit , A. ., & Weraprasertsakun, A. . (2024). The Influence of Education Campaign on Control Spread of Hepatitis B Virus Disease: A Case Study in Phuket Province, Thailand. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(11), 957–973. สืบค้น จาก


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