A Study on the Factors Influencing Tpack Using Behavior of University English Instructors in Western China: Based on the Model of Tam-Tpb

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Hong Yun
Pimurai Limpapath


          The integration of technology into higher education has become essential for enhancing teaching effectiveness, particularly in regions like Western China, where educational reform is actively promoted. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework offers a model for incorporating technology into teaching. However, the factors influencing university English instructors’ adoption of TPACK in this region remain under explored. This study aims to investigate the factors that affect TPACK usage behaviours among university English instructors in Western China, focusing on how perceived usefulness, subjective norms, and technological knowledge impact their intentions and behaviours in adopting TPACK. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Quantitative data were collected from 422 instructors across 30 universities in 12 provinces through questionnaires, and qualitative insights were derived from interviews with 10 instructors. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the quantitative data, while thematic analysis was applied to the qualitative data. The findings revealed that university instructors generally possess moderate TPACK abilities, with older and more experienced instructors demonstrating higher technological knowledge (TECH-K). Perceived usefulness and subjective norms significantly influenced TPACK usage intentions, whereas perceived ease of use did not have a direct effect. Behavioural intention mediated the relationship between perceived usefulness, subjective norms, and actual TPACK usage. Additionally, qualitative findings emphasised the importance of institutional support, peer attitudes, and instructors’ self-efficacy in promoting TPACK adoption. The study underscores the need for systematic training, policy support, and improved infrastructure to enhance TPACK adoption among English instructors. Future research should broaden the sample, refine the questionnaire, and explore the long-term professional development of instructors. This study provides insights into the development of TPACK in China and offers strategies for improving technology integration in English language teaching.

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