A Causal Model of Talent Management on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study of SF Listed Logistics Enterprises in China

Main Article Content

Li Yulong
Maneekanya Nagamatsu
Chaiyanant Panyasiri


          Objectives: The objectives of this study are: 1) To determine the factors of talent management that significantly impact the organizational performance of SF listed logistics companies. 2) To determine how the organizational commitment variable as a mediator impacts the organizational performance of SF listed logistics companies. 3) To develop a model of talent management for the organizational performance of SF logistics enterprises in China.
          Research Method: The quantitative method and in-depth interview method of purposeful sampling technique were used in this study.
          Samples: This study takes SF Express as an example, which is the largest company in China in terms of business scale, number of employees, and business scope.
          Instrument: Questionnaires were distributed to 420 SF Express employees, 406 valid questionnaires were received, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 managers.
          Analysis: The conclusion of this study comes from the data analysis and statistics of SPSS and AMOS software.
          Results: This study studies the relationship between talent management and organizational performance of SF Express-listed logistics companies. The results show that there is a significant correlation between talent management, organizational commitment, and organizational performance, and organizational commitment plays an intermediary role in these relationships.

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How to Cite
Yulong, L. ., Nagamatsu , M. ., & Panyasiri, C. . (2024). A Causal Model of Talent Management on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study of SF Listed Logistics Enterprises in China. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(10), 106–119. สืบค้น จาก https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRKSA/article/view/273492


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