The Impact of Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure Quality on Financial Performance

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Lei Chen
Tanaset Morasilpin


          The Objectives of this research were to study: 1. analyze factors, impact on Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure Quality on Financial Performance; 2 investigate of on Investor attention is an intermediate between environmental disclosure information to financial performance; and 3 develop the corporate environmental disclosure information quality on Financial Performance. Using a sample of 848 companies from 2015 to 2020, by probability sampling and using by stratified sampling this research analyzes the impact of EDI on financial outcomes through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative analysis employed multiple regression techniques and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to assess the role of investor attention as a mediating variable between EDI and financial performance.
          The findings reveal a positive correlation between high-quality environmental disclosures and improved financial results, with investor attention playing a crucial intermediary role. Qualitative data, collected through questionnaires, further highlights the public's growing awareness and demand for corporate transparency in environmental matters. Despite mandatory disclosure regulations, many companies still fail to fully disclose environmental information, especially those lacking growth prospects. This study underscores the importance of comprehensive EDI in shaping corporate reputation, attracting investment, and promoting long-term business success. The findings suggest that enhanced corporate environmental responsibility not only aligns with stakeholder expectations but also drives financial performance, making it a crucial factor in sustainable business practices.

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How to Cite
Chen , L. ., & Morasilpin, T. . (2024). The Impact of Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure Quality on Financial Performance. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(11), 288–299. สืบค้น จาก


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