A Causal Model of Human Capital Management on Teachers' Career Success at Science and Technology Universities in China

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Chen Yunfang
Maneekanya Nagamatsu
Chaiyanant Panyasiri


           The objectives of this study are 1)to study the direct impact of Human Capital Management on teachers' career success, 2) To study the indirect impact of Human Capital Management on leadership style, and 3) to study the indirect impact of Leadership style on teachers' career success. Methodology: The quantitative approach distributed 400 questionnaires covering scientific universities in 18 provinces and municipalities in China. Results: By analyzing data through SPSS and AMOS software, we verified the positive effect of human capital management on teachers’ career success through leadership style. The main contribution of this study is to provide empirical evidence for HRM and development. Research shows that the use of transactional leadership and transformational leadership styles can effectively encourage teachers to invest actively in teaching and scientific research work, thus promoting more fruitful results and the common sustainable development of teachers and universities of science and technology.

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How to Cite
Yunfang, C., Nagamatsu , M. ., & Panyasiri, C. . (2024). A Causal Model of Human Capital Management on Teachers’ Career Success at Science and Technology Universities in China. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(10), 1430–1445. สืบค้น จาก https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRKSA/article/view/273485


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