The Review of Applications for Improving Adolescent Physical Fitness by Digital Intelligence in the Context of Physical Education Integration
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to explore how digital intelligence (DI) can enhance adolescent physical fitness in PE; 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of DI tools like smart wearables and fitness apps in PE; 3) to examine relevant theoretical frameworks supporting DI in PE; and 4) to identify challenges in implementing DI in schools. The sample included middle and high school students, selected by stratified random sampling. Data collection involved surveys, interviews, and fitness tracking from digital devices. Data analysis used descriptive and inferential statistics.
The results showed: 1) DI integration improved student engagement and activity levels; 2) smart wearables and apps contributed to personalized learning; 3) virtual PE platforms were effective but posed equity challenges; and 4) theories like Self-Determination Theory supported DI in PE. Suggestions include increasing investments in digital infrastructure to enhance accessibility and further research on DI's long-term impacts.
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