Art and Environment Management within the Context of Installation Art in Thailand and the People's Republic of China

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Li MuJin
Kosoom Saichai


Installation art has a history of more than 100 years. From the initial "ready-made art" to the current diversified development, in this process, whether it is art form, creation method or art media, earth-shaking changes have taken place. Moreover, with the continuous deepening of urbanization, installation art has gradually played its important role in the city, completed the "conspiracy" with urban public art, and moved from "inside the museum" to "outside the museum", exerting its unique artistic characteristics and aesthetic value in the public domain. At the same time, the trend of digital life is constantly developing, and the changes in the aesthetic habits and reading methods of the public within the society are also constantly stimulating the changes in public art. The distance between the audience and art is getting closer and closer, which is not only reflected in the fact that the audience can appreciate and watch art works more freely, but also in the "interaction" between the audience and the artwork. This interaction is not only physical, but also psychological and spiritual. The subject-object relationship of aesthetics has become an important topic of discussion in the current installation art. The changes in the artistic form of installation works in the public domain caused by this are also an important artistic phenomenon at present.

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