The Influence of China-Chic Attribute Perception on Purchase Intention among Generation Z: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Brand Well-Being

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Yanmei Zeng
ChunShuo Chen
Fanhao Meng


            As globalization deepens, the sense of crisis brought about by cultural homogenization has become increasingly pronounced. A growing number of enterprises advocate for the use of national and local cultural assets to create brand uniqueness and enhance competitiveness. In China, there is a rising trend among brands to integrate Chinese cultural symbols with modern fashion, engaging in marketing activities such as brand image construction, product design, and market communication. This prominent marketing approach is referred to as "China-chic marketing." The main purpose of this study is to construct a comprehensive model based on consumer culture theory to examine how perceptions of China-chic attributes—symbolic local culture, fashion culture orientation, and creativity—affect purchase intention through brand well-being.

This study takes the questionnaire survey method in quantitative research to collect data of Chinese Generation Z and use snowball sampling method to collect 573 valid samples and use SPSS and AMOS statistical software to analyze the data and verify the hypotheses. The research results showed that perceptions of these China-chic attributes positively influence brand well-being, which in turn positively affects purchase intention and mediates the relationship between China-chic attribute perception and purchase intention. This study provides insights for businesses to effectively implement China-chic marketing, offering Generation Z consumers values of nobility and lasting happiness to enhance brand competitiveness.   

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How to Cite
Zeng, Y. ., Chen, C., & Meng, F. (2024). The Influence of China-Chic Attribute Perception on Purchase Intention among Generation Z: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Brand Well-Being. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(10), 995–1011. สืบค้น จาก


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