The Impact of underemployment on Retention Intention among Pre-school Education Interns in Normal Universities in Hubei Province: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction

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Xiao Dai
Chia Ching Tu


          This research aims to investigate the impact of underemployment on retention intention among pre-school education interns in normal universities in Hubei Province, with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. As a research objective, the study seeks to explore the relationships between underemployment, job satisfaction, and retention intention during internships. The research sample consisted of 1,006 pre-school education interns. Research instruments included a structured questionnaire designed to measure levels of underemployment, job satisfaction, and retention intention. Data collection was conducted through a survey administered to the interns, and research analysis involved statistical techniques to examine the relationships among the variables.
          The research results found that underemployment significantly affects both job satisfaction and retention intention among interns, with job satisfaction serving as a mediating variable.
          Aims: As future key contributors to the field, pre-school education interns' intentions to stay and their career development aspirations are crucial for the ongoing progress of the early childhood education sector. This study aims to explore and analyze the significance of retention intentions among pre-school education interns from teacher training colleges, and to identify how underemployment and job satisfaction impact these intentions.
          Methodology: This study utilized the underemployment Scale, the Retention Intention Scale, and the Job Satisfaction Scale to conduct an online survey of 1,006 interns from four teacher training universities in Hubei Province, China. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed for empirical analysis to examine the relationships among underemployment, job satisfaction, and retention intention.

Results: The findings indicate that when interns perceive a mismatch between their abilities and job requirements, their intention to remain in the position significantly decreases. Additionally, job satisfaction serves as a mediating variable between underemployment and retention intention. Specifically, even in the presence of underemployment, higher job satisfaction leads to a stronger intention to stay. In other words, underemployment influences interns' retention intention through the intermediary effect of job satisfaction.
          Conclusion: In the context of internships for preschool education majors at normal universities in Hubei Province, both job satisfaction and underemployment are effective pathways to enhance retention intention. The findings suggest that improving job satisfaction can mitigate the negative effects of underemployment, thereby fostering a greater intention to remain in the position.

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