The Experience-Based Digital Design for Shawan Piaose for Preserving Guangdong's Folk Rituals

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Zhe Xu
Akapong Inkuer


            Background: The integration of folklore with digital technology has emerged as a critical topic in cultural heritage digitization discussions. Digital technology presents opportunities to broaden the avenues for presenting folklore, enrich traditional folklore's spatial and scenic expressions, and transcend temporal and spatial limitations in cultural transmission and evolution.
           Aims: This study focuses on Shawan Piaose, an intangible cultural heritage of Guangdong, to analyze its cultural dimensions, historical context, and interpret its embedded cultural symbols and traditional experiential elements. The aim is to explore how digital design can enhance the presentation and cultural significance of this folk ritual.
            Methodology: Through a combination of literature review and field research, the study examines the developmental trajectory and cultural aspects of Shawan Piaose. Drawing on theories such as folk semiotics, communication, and interactive ritual chains, the digital design framework is constructed. Donald Arthur Norman's user experience hierarchy model guides the structuring of the digital experience.
           Results: The analysis involves three levels of digital design intervention: Visceral level: Analyzing and redesigning the ritual symbols and connotations of the Piaose procession. Behavioral level: Exploring narrative communication elements and adopting AR interactive narrative modes to enhance interactive storytelling. Reflective level: Investigating the cultural implications of Shawan Piaose entertainment and the emotional resonance of festival rituals. It explores methods to transform traditional ritual media into modern formats, facilitating participant engagement and transcending physical boundaries.
           Conclusion: The digital reinterpretation of Shawan Piaose enables participants to engage deeply in virtual spaces, fostering a sense of belonging beyond geographical limitations. Sharing cultural elements through digital rituals promotes mutual understanding and cultural exchange. This approach enriches cultural heritage preservation methods and provides a robust platform for digital folk ritual experiences, offering theoretical insights and practical examples for further research in digital cultural branding.

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